
Lucky’s First Love Episode 5 Recap

Lucky's First Love - Lucky being seduced by Xia

Lucky’s First Love Episode 5 Recap / Alt Title: The World Owes Me a First Love / 世界欠我一个初恋

Welcome to my recap for the fifth episode of Lucky’s First Love. In this episode, we get a lot of drama on the Shen Qing/ Chu Nan front. We also get to see how much more comfortable Lucky is with Xia than Chu Nan.


Lucky undoes her friends’ work and decides to be herself with Chu Nan. Shen Qing is drinking away her sorrows. Chu Nan goes to kiss Lucky, but she looks so forced that they decide it is better to save intimacy for the wedding night. Lucky escapes to the pool and Xia gets close, to prove that she is not in love with Chu Nan. When he is about to kiss her, Lucky’s expression is expectant, not at all forced.

Shen Qing’s son breaks his leg, forcing Shen Qing and Chu Nan to return to the city. He calls his mom to help with the surgery. Mom helps but maintains her refusal for Chu Nan and Shen Qing to be together.

Xia and Lucky win the company paintball game. Later at a temple, Lucky makes a wish for prosperity. She only makes a wish for love after her friends prompt her. Back at work, Yi Yi tells Lucky to just focus on work, since Chu Nan is not responding to her. Xia meets Chu Nan at the hospital and tells him he will not let Shen Qing nor Lucky be hurt by whatever game is going on.

Full Recap:

We pick up where we left off in the last episode. Lucky’s friends have dressed her up in make-up and a nightgown for her special night with Chu Nan. Xia is helping a drunk Shen Qing out of the elevator when he sees her. Lucky sees Shen Qing and asks if she is okay, but Chu Nan replies that it looks like Lucky is the drunk one. The friends ask how her makeup looks, he says ugly. In her room, she looks in the mirror and asks herself if she looks ugly.

In Shen Qing’s room, Xia tries to get her to drink water, but she just keeps yelling for more alcohol. Poor thing is torturing herself.

Chu Nan arrives back at his room and sees Lucky watching TV in normal clothes sans make-up. I agree with Xia, she looks beautiful like this. Lucky welcomes him back and asks if he wants to watch some TV. Chu Nan spots the negligée and asks if he came back too early. Lucky responds that she just feels more like herself dressed as she is. Yay! Go Lucky. She asks if he is disappointed, but he responds that is what makes her so cute.

Xia puts Shen Qing into bed. He sighs at her and looks worried.

Chu Nan pours two glasses of wine. Lucky looks contemplative. Chu Nan holds out his hand and pulls her up into a dance. He moves in to kiss her, and although she puckers up, her face is scrunched up. Chu Nan apologizes and states that maybe they better wait for their wedding night. Lucky readily agrees, says she can sleep on the couch, and proclaims she is going to go down to the pool.

Lucky is taking a walk outside and gets frightened when she hears a rustling in the bushes. She walks faster, but the footsteps behind her also speed up. She recalls Xia’s advice on how to deal with bad guys and spins around aiming for the crotch. Xia catches her leg in midair and compliments her attack.

He asks where she is going. She replies she is headed to the pool and he points out her lack of swimming attire. He tells her to follow him.

Chu Nan and Shen Qing leave their rooms at the same time. He asks what she is doing and she replies it is none of his business. He proclaims that she has no idea why he is doing all of this.

Xia and Lucky sit by the pool. She states his ability to defend against her kick was quite impressive, but he just responds it is because she is bad at self-defense. She states her mind went blank except for his advice to kick the perpetrator in the crotch. He asks why she thought of him at such a moment, instead of her boyfriend. She replies that maybe it is because Chu Nan is too gentle, while he is strong.

Xia carries on how Chu Nan seems more like a teammate than a boyfriend.  He asks if she likes him. She replies of course she likes him, but her tone is one of fulfilling expectation rather than any hint of adoration. Xia decides to do an experiment; he says if she is in love with Chu Nan then she would not find any other man attractive. Lucky agrees that what he says makes sense.

Xia sits next to her and tells her not to move. He gets closer and turns on all the charms. His voice goes deep and he moves closer again. When Lucky turns away, he commands her to look back at him. She does and his face is inches away. He leans in to kiss her and her eyes close. This time she does not pucker her lips unnaturally and her face is relaxed, expectant. He stops, smiles at her, and teases her about her expectations. Xia proclaims that she does not love Chu Nan.

He tells her she did not try to avoid his kiss and she denies it. He moves in to kiss her once more and again she closes her eyes in preparation. This time he keeps the proximity and asks why her eyes are closed. She flails and loudly denies her actions. Lucky loses her balance and falls into the pool. Xia reaches over to pull her out, but she pushes him off and runs inside, embarrassed. He grabs the towel and chases after her.

Xia walks into the hallway to see Chu Nan embracing Shen Qing and turns to walk back out. He turns around to see Lucky walking through the opposite door and rushes to her. He tosses a towel over her head, just as Chu Nan and Shen Qing slip into Shen Qing’s hotel room. She asks what is going on, and he just tells her that she cannot take leave for a cold. Before she leaves, Lucky asks if she can have another hotel room and he agrees.

Nanny is distracted and Xiao Xi climbs up to reach for a snack, but falls. While Xia is in the lobby booking a room for Lucky, Chu Nan and Shen Qing rush down. They tell Xia that something happened to Xiao Xi and Chu Nan volunteers to drive Shen Qing back. He offers a load of crap about something happening to his family and how he also needs to go back. Lucky is suspicious, but plays nice, offering to get a driver for them since they both were drinking.

Lucky tells Xia that she is going to call Chu Nan to have him bring Xia’s sister to the hospital, but Xia just says to mind her own business. She goes back up to her room and says that it is best to have a room by yourself after all.

Shen Qing gets to the hospital and finds out that Xiao Xi’s leg is broken and there are glass shards embedded in his skin. Chu Nan says he will do what he can to help and, as Shen Qing is comforting Xiao Xi, he is on the phone begging his mom for help.

In the room, Lucky is thinking about the almost kiss with Xia and what he said about her not loving Chu Nan. She does a web search and tries to figure out if she has shining eyes. She just comments that it depends on the light source. Ha!

Back at the hospital, Chu Nan’s mom comes and commands the staff to prepare an operating room. The surgery is a success and Chu Nan thanks his mom. Mom just responds that she treated Xiao Xi, but her answer is still no regarding the two of them. Shen Qing just reassures Mom that she will not bother them and she will change his hospital when he wakes up. Everyone tells Shen Qing that their hospital will be the best for treating him.

The next morning, Lucky’s girlfriends are outside her room giggling about the Do Not Disturb sign being lit up. They are hovering, when Lucky opens the door and they fall in. Lucky tells them what occurred the night before and they exclaim how shocking that he left.

The next day on the bus, the girlfriends are taking pictures of Lucky when Dong Dong finds a viral video of Lucky in a sexy dress. Lucky begs Amy to delete the video and Amy is refusing. As she is trying to keep the phone away from Lucky, Xia reaches over and grabs it. Soon Dong Dong states that there is an error and Lucky proclaims him a virtuous man.

The coworkers start gossiping about Shen Qing and Chu Nan leaving together. Lucky tries to protect Chu Nan, which makes Xia roll his eyes. She goes on about how she is going to destroy them in paintball. Xia decides to up the stakes of the game and proclaims that the victors will get three days of paid leave and a 10,000 RMB bonus. Everyone is very excited about the new prize.

At the paintball center, everyone is divided up into teams of two. Amy gets matched with Xia and tricks Lucky switching teams with her. Lucky realizes she has been tricked, but when she approaches Xia she is enthusiastic about winning. Xia tells her if she wants to win, to not drag her down.

Xia’s great strategy is to wait and watch and, of course, the first person he takes out is Amy. Xia is giving tips on how to win with every shot he makes. He suddenly sees Meng Meng and yells a warning. Lucky aims with one hand while crouching down and screaming. Meng Meng says disappointedly how lucky Lucky is that she can manage such a terrible shot. Lucky just smiles at Xia and says how his teaching is more useful for unlucky people. She gives the victory signal and Xia smirks.

Dong Dong and Yi Yi are facing off against Xia and Lucky. Xia suddenly pushes Lucky out into the open and Yi Yi moves forward to take the shot. Soon as she leaves cover, Xia takes her out and then he pulls Lucky back behind some containers. Lucky yells at him for not warning her, while Xia just tells her to flank Dong Dong. Lucky traps Dong Dong and he drops his gun. She tells him not to speak poorly of Chu Nan again and Xia simply rolls his eyes again.

Lucky demands Dong Dong say something nice about her. He responds that she is the prettiest and her game plans are going to be great. He reaches for his gun and Xia shoots Dong Dong before he can take Lucky out of the game. Lucky gives him a thumbs up and he gives the victory sign in return.

Now it is only the green and pink teams left. They are again in a stand-off when Lucky says she will divert their attention. But as she is running she trips over a tire and Xia races to grab her so he can take the fall. He holds the back of his head and the pink team comes running over to check on him. They debate shooting them for the win, but Lucky yells at them that they will lose their jobs if something happens to Xia. As they run to get the doctor, Xia rolls over, grabs his gun, and shoots them in the back.

They are dumbfounded at the trickery and Lucky cannot believe that he would use her concern for him to win. He responds that she was distracting them and he was just helping. She proclaims that she was really worried for him and he is touched by her sentiment. Then she says if anything were to happen to him, she would not be able to afford the medical fees, and his expression switches to disbelief.

At a gift shop, Amy is complaining that she should not have switched teams. Yi Yi responds that Lucky got the payoff because she was willing to go through the torture. Lucky buys a gift for Chu Nan and they overhear the shop workers talking about a nearby temple.

On the bus, Dong Dong and Meng Meng are gossiping about how women who experience their first love later in life have a harder time with breakups. The comment on a woman who threw herself off a building for love. Xia looks more and more concerned as the conversation progresses.

At the temple, Lucky is writing a wish for wealth and her friends tease her that she needs to be making one for love. She replies that she is not sure what is going on with Chu Nan. He has not responded to her and the friends show concern. She is trying to put the ribbon up when Xia walks up behind her and offers to help. Yi Yi comments that it is for Lucky’s relationship with Chu Nan and Xia accidentally lets it fall over the edge of the building.

The girls realize they are a half-hour late and they all walk back to the bus. Yi Yi and Amy rush on ahead, while Lucky asks Xia if he has heard from his sister. He responds yes, thinks about the heartbreak conversation, and covers for Chu Nan saying he left once Shen Qing was at the hospital. Xia inquires what Lucky’s biggest setback in life has been and Lucky responds she has not had any. Lucky assures him she would not collapse under a setback, but rather arise stronger.

She compares setback to eating too many steamed pork buns and Xia replies that her life lessons have been taught by food. She states, of course, that those principals could all go by the wayside if she gets depressed. Lucky adds, so be nice to me and darts off ahead.

On the bus, Lucky falls asleep again. Xia moves closer and lets her head drop on his shoulder.

Xiao Xi thanks the nurse and Chu Nan’s mom. They inquire where his dad is and it becomes apparent that Shen Qing has been honest with him. He states that his dad abandoned them and Mom feels a bit sad. The nurse tries to cheer him up, but he says it does not matter because he will take care of his mom. Mom asks about what his dad does, but he responds he never met him.

Yi Yi comes into work and asks Lucky if she has reached Chu Nan yet. Lucky responds no. Yi Yi warns her that the arts unit and programmers will make life hard for her since she is new at the role. Lucky confirms that the programmers have been giving her a hard time. She recommends Lucky get advice from Dong Dong since he can deal with them. She brings him a piece of Tiramisu and asks for advice. He pushes the cake back but then calls her back.

Xia is at the hospital with Chu Nan and takes him to task for his behavior. He asks which girl is his girlfriend. Chu Nan responds that he will propose to Lucky soon, but Shen Qing is a friend he is helping. Chu Nan calls him a liar, but Chu Nan tells him to believe what he wants. Xia proclaims he will not let him hurt either his sister or Lucky. Xia gets a phone call from Shen Qing saying to hurry, that something is wrong with Xiao Xi.


We get to see why Chu Nan and Shen Qing are not together anymore, but he is playing super dirty right now. Back in the first episode, Shen Qing expressed that Xia did not have the right to ask her about Chu Nan, so there must be another element we are not aware of.

I find it funny that Xia is smart enough to realize Lucky does not love Chu Nan. He even pulls out all of the stop to charm her into a kiss, and yet he does not seem to realize their special connection. It works out of us, we get lots of skinship and tempting moments even though they are unaware of their own potential. That being said, I cannot wait to see them finally realize their feelings.

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