
Lucky’s First Love Episode 2 Recap

Lucky's First Love - Lucky joyful Xia brings her success

Lucky’s First Love Episode 2 Recap / Alt Title: The World Owes Me a First Love / 世界欠我一个初恋

Welcome to my recap for the second episode of Lucky’s First Love. We get a bit of thriller, drama, and awkward comedy in this episode. Lucky is forced to reject a love interest and Xia ramps up his kuudere.


Chu Nan and Lucky go on their date and make plans for Lucky to watch a documentary at Chu Nan’s house. Yiyi tells Lucky that CEO Xia will interrupt their date after he displays some jealousy. Lucky discovers that Chu Nan is living with his parents. They push Lucky to marry Chu Nan, have babies, and quit her useless job. When Xia calls to interrupt she gladly uses the excuse to leave, but nearly gets abducted by human traffickers. Xia shows up at the police station, furious, agitated, and worried. When Lucky cannot get into her house, Xia takes her back to his place. Meanwhile, Chu Nan spends the latter half of the episode moping over Shen Qing.

Full Recap:

Chu Nan and Lucky are on their date at the movie theater. He offers to buy popcorn, but Lucky tells him not to bother since it is so busy. But he is the consummate gentleman, insisting that he buy it. Lucky has a flashback to when she accompanied Xia to the movies and he forces her to stand in line again because the popcorn was too cold.

They take a seat and Lucky tells Chu Nan that she is filled with anticipation. Chu Nan responds that she must not have been to a movie in a long time. Flashback to Lucky making her way past a full row of people with Xia’s popcorn well after the movie has started. Lucky is laughing at the movie, but when she turns to Chu Nan he is fast asleep. Flashback to Lucky laughing at the movie and Xia sneering at her boisterous laugh. Poor Lucky just cannot have a good movie experience.

Xia’s sister, Shen Qing, walks by him with a suitcase, upset that she waited for an hour at the airport before she gave up on him coming. Xia follows her inside the house and asks if she broke up with Chu Nan. Now we realize why Xia was trying to stop their date. Shen Qing starts talking about an amazing trick to add fragrance to the cakes. When pressed, she says Xia has no right to ask why she broke up. Shen Qing tacks on that Chu Nan’s mother did not approve of her because she has already been married and has a child. She seems to feel guilty for blaming Xia, while he seems to understand why she would blame him.

Chu Nan and Lucky are walking down the street after their movie date. Chu Nan informs her that he has been busy with work and apologizes for falling asleep during the movie. Lucky tells him that next time they can watch a movie he likes. He replies that he enjoys social documentaries, but that you have to watch documentaries at home. He invites her over to his place to watch and, much to his surprise, she readily agrees. She is so adorably oblivious. He finally realizes she is naïve, laughs, and agrees that, of course, he has no ulterior motives.

Lucky arrives home and sees a candlelit table, followed by her mother dancing an alluring flamenco.  Lucky applauds her mom. Ha! Mom proceeds to fall over and asks why she is home so early. Lucky asks which anniversary this is for. Apparently, this is a common event for her parents. Mom responds it is the anniversary of their first holiday in Spain. Lucky tells Mom that Chu Nan asked her to watch a movie at his house and Mom responds ecstatically that it is a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind. This mom is hilarious. Father arrives dressed as Zoro. Lucky just stares at him, while Mom giggles.

Later Lucky’s co-worker, Yiyi, takes her lingerie shopping in expectation of the documentary date. Lucky argues that she doesn’t need it, since they are just watching a movie. Yiyi just keeps stuffing more lacy items into Lucky’s arms. Lucky has her hands full of racy bras and panties when Xia shows up. He asks what she is doing, and teases her regarding his mascot’s unexpected interests. Yiyi informs him that this is for a special date and Xia’s smirk immediately drops. He asks if she is going to Chu Nan’s house, but she echoes her refrain that they are just watching a documentary.

Shen Qing calls him over to help her pay and he tells Lucky to stay put. The cashier informs Shen Qing that she gets a complimentary pair of stockings. His sister tells Xia to feel the stockings and pick the better one. He refuses and she attempts to wrestle his hand out of his pocket. He finally picks and Shen Qing teases him about his preference. The whole interaction is being watched by Lucky and Yiyi who finally decide they are seeing something they should not see. Lucky drops the lingerie and they bolt out of the store. Shen Qing asks what is going on and Xia replies that it is Chu Nan’s new girlfriend.

Lucky stops in the middle of the mall and asks why they are running. Yiyi says she can’t believe Xia always pretends to be single when he has a girlfriend. She adds, I even thought that he was interested in you. Lucky titters at such a ridiculous notion. Yiyi points out Xia’s jealousy over Chu Nan. Yiyi asks Lucky if she likes Xia. Lucky breaks out in a goofy grin as she recollects four substantial pay raises she has had over the past two years. I love her priorities. She adds on that of course she likes him and she will hold on tightly to her express train to success. Yiyi warns her that Xia will try to interfere with her date tonight.

Lucky brings her laptop on her date just in case the company needs any last-minute work. They get to his house and Lucky is taken aback when he rings the doorbell. She has been brought straight into a meet the parents and Chu Nan’s mom starts listing off marriage plans and assets. Umm, the third date seems just a tad bit early for that, especially considering their first date was only two minutes long.

Over dinner, Mom tells Lucky not to watch her weight, because being too thin can keep you from having babies. Awkward… Dad is little better, lecturing Lucky that her game company feeds kids’ addiction. Mom chirps that it does not matter since she will quit working once she has kids. Mom brings every conversation back to potential grandchildren.

Lucky gets a phone call. She sees it is CEO Xia and practically begs for it to be an emergency. He asks for her to email drawings over, but she insists on bringing them over in person. Xia is a bit confused, but immediately calls up He Yu. He Yu is currently at a golf course and asks for Xia and Lucky to meet him there.

Meanwhile, Lucky makes her apologies for leaving early. Mom forces a jade bracelet on her wrist and Lucky takes off. Outside Chu Nan says goodbye to Lucky and sees Shen Qing watching them in the distance. The two of them go to a café and Chu Nan looks like he has been caught cheating, while Shen Qing just looks incredibly sad.

Lucky and her driver cannot find the golf course, and the driver suggests that she go back with him. Lucky assures him she is okay and she will look around for a while. Umm… walking around a deserted area by yourself at night? I get her dedication to her job, but that is just a little… Sure enough, a van pulls over and asks if she needs help. They inform her the golf course is in the direction they are heading. Of course, it is… When she refuses to get into the car, they try to force her. She feigns losing her very expensive bracelet and the man helps look for it when he hears the price. She kicks him in the rear, he falls over and she takes off running. Yay! Go Lucky.

He Yu and Xia are waiting at the golf course. He Yu tells Xia that he is going overboard to protect his employee, but Xia insists he is doing it for his sister’s sake. Lucky calls Xia and tells him that she was distracted and unable to answer his call. Xia starts yelling at her that she had better show up right away, no matter what she is doing. Lucky informs him that she is at the police station.

He frantically drives to the police station and jumps out of the car telling He Yu to park it. The police lecture him that he told his girlfriend to come alone to such a remote place. Xia simply apologizes to the police. He immediately starts yelling at her and she apologizes. He just yells louder that he was talking about her safety and she starts bawling. She wraps herself around his legs and tells him how good it is to hear him cuss her out. Ha! What a funny couple.

He comforts her and the police confirm she encountered a human trafficker. They all encourage Xia to comfort her well. Lucky corrects the police when they call Xia her boyfriend and they are all surprised. The head officer comments that one day they will be together given how anxious Xia was when he arrived.

They watch the surveillance video to corroborate the evidence and Xia expresses concern over her having to re-experience her trauma. We see that Lucky had run to a security gate with two guards. The trafficker pretends to be her husband, but Lucky is quick thinking. She yells that she has her ID on her and that the trafficker does not know her name. Finally, the guards are convinced and she is saved.

Xia starts cursing out the driver who left her by the side of the road. As they are walking out, the policeman tells him that Lucky needs to be comforted, and Xia’s sharp tongue and tender heart approach is not helping her. He walks over to her and bends down so she can ride on his back.

As they walk back, Lucky tells Xia that she knows he is just kuudere. She brings up various examples and eventually starts talking about how happy she is to still be alive and how lucky she is to have loving parents, a caring boss, and a boyfriend that would introduce her to his parents. She states that having survived such a scary incident has made her determined to cherish everything in her life, including Chu Nan.

Xia drops her to the ground and tells her to wizen up. He says the reason she had such a close call is because Chu Nan was such a crappy boyfriend. He tells her that this is not what Chu Nan is like if he loves someone. She asks if he knows Chu Nan, but he denies it and starts to walk away. Xia comes back to pick her up again, but Lucky stops him.

She asks if this whole meeting was an elaborate ruse. Xia feels guilty enough, that she takes it as confirmation. She then asks him straight up if he likes her. She states although she thinks he is very handsome, she sees him only as a boss and friend. Xia issues a mild slight at her inference and He Yu drives up in Xia’s car.

He Yu introduces himself and Lucky realizes that she was wrong about the whole thing being a ruse. She is utterly embarrassed, and Xia just smirks as he gets into the car.

In the car, Lucky looks like she has had her spirit stripped out of her. Xia just encourages He Yu to start talking business, but Lucky just sits in the back cursing herself. When they arrive at Lucky’s house, Xia helps her up to the door. But Lucky’s key was robbed and her parents are at a hotel for the night. When she calls, Mom simply tells her to go spend the night at Chu Nan’s, reminding her to use protection. Lucky tells Xia that her parents are just busy and that he can head out. She debates calling Chu Nan and ultimately decides that is why she has a boyfriend in the first place.

However, Chu Nan is sitting in the car with Shen Qing. When she sees Lucky’s call, she reaches for the door, but he stops her. Shen Qing tells Chu Nan that she made a mistake today and they should not see each other in the future. As she leaves, Chu Nan just stares at her front door.

Lucky feels helpless as no one has answered her call. When she turns around, Xia is leaning against his car. Awww… He was waiting for her. They get into the car and Lucky asks him to bring her to a hotel. He points out that she has no money, no ID, and might get abducted. He offers to bring her to Chu Nan’s, but she shuts that down. Xia has a big smile on his face as she asks for his help.

At his house, she hobbles around nervously and he points out this is not her first time at his house. She claims it is different since she is not here for work. He just states it is the same and orders her to slice oranges. She texts Chu Nan again, but he just glances at it and goes back to staring at Shen Qing’s house.

Xia helps care for Lucky’s injury, but she cannot relax her foot. So he lets her in on a secret; his first girlfriend was a kendo coach. She asks if he helped his girlfriend tend her wounds. He glances around and replies, I had to take care of my own.


I love that Xia is very caring, but also recognizes Lucky’s capabilities. He allows her complete independence and respectfully offers help when she needs it. There is no domineering nor do you feel that Lucky is a damsel in distress.  I was definitely yelling at Lucky when she got out of the taxi, but I was happy that she managed the situation herself. I had expected the Hero randomly show up to the rescue trope. Se when she got herself into a bad situation, but managed to get out of it herself, it had me cheering for her.

I am not loving whatever is happening with Chu Nan. He is still very much in love with Shen Qing, to the point of ignoring Lucky’s calls. Shen Qing also seems to be quite in love with him, so I am not sure why they feel the need to cause unnecessary drama. I want to be able to cheer for him, since he seems like such a nice guy, but it is quite difficult when he is behaving in such a dubious manner.

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