
Lucky’s First Love Episode 3 Recap

Lucky's First Love - Xia struggles with the proximity to Lucky

Lucky’s First Love Episode 3 Recap / Alt Title: The World Owes Me a First Love / 世界欠我一个初恋

Welcome to my recap for the third episode of Lucky’s First Love. In this episode, we get a bit more insight into Chu Nan and Shen Qing’s feelings, but still no reason for their break up. We get to see more playful banter between Xia and Lucky and a couple of cute scenes with Xia’s nephew, Xiao Xi.


Lucky tries and fails to remove the jade bangle. The morning after sleeping in Xia’s bed, he scrambles to hide with her in a closet where they are discovered by his sister. Lucky misunderstands and proceeds to assure Shen Qing that Xia is a loyal boyfriend. Shen Qing brings her to the hospital where she is told she needs to rest for a few days. Lucky accidentally sends a group message gossiping about Xia. Xia tells Lucky to work from home and while on a conference call with Xia, Chu Nan shows up for dinner. While the call is still running in the background, Lucky asks Chu Nan if he wants to know who she stayed with.

Full Recap:

Back at Xia’s house, he tells Lucky that he frequently needed to tend to his own injuries because of his kendo expert ex-girlfriend. Lucky snickers and Xia threatens her annual bonus if the secret ever gets out. Lucky asks Xia if he knows of any kendo moves to use against bad guys. Xia responds that the best move is to kick them in the crotch. Lucky just looks stunned.

He sees the jade bracelet and asks if it is from Chu Nan’s family. Lucky giggles nervously in response. She asks if it is expensive and he replies it is very cheap. She tries to get it off, but it is stuck. Xia tries everything to help her: soap, ice water, tying her hand. But she ends up smacking her head on the cabinet and, when he tries to check on her, she headbutts him.

She reaches up to check on his face and spreads soap all over his forehead which starts a mini soap bubble fight. They really make this scene so natural, with no dramatic tension just wholesome fun between friends. She gives up on the bracelet and goes to shower, flinging a few more bubbles his way before darting off.

He hands her a pajama set and she asks if it belongs to a girlfriend. He just tells her to mind her business and make sure not to fall in the shower since he will not come in to help her.

Chu Nan finally checks Lucky’s texts, but he just reads them unenthusiastically and goes back to staring at Shen Qing’s house. I do not love that she mentions an accident in her text and he is completely unbothered.

Xia shows Lucky to his room, but she insists that she will just stay in the guest room. She hobbles over, but the guest room is completely empty. She asks where he would sleep and he responds, the couch. Lucky replies that she can sleep on the couch and Xia infers that he likes to sleepwalk so she better protect herself. Love their dynamic.

She cuddles up in bed and Yiyi sends her a message apologizing for not being able to respond sooner. Yiyi also sends her an article with dating advice. The first piece is regarding what a man’s bedroom says about his personality. Being in Xia’s bed, she asks what his bedsheets say. Article Yiyi replies that she has chosen the right man. The next piece is regarding a man’s closet, from which Lucky discerns Xia is OCD. But article Yiyi declares that he has good taste and once again states Lucky has chosen the right man.

The article also tells her to check the quality of the books in his room and most importantly whether there are any signs of a woman. Lucky declares there is no need to inspect the room since he had women’s clothing on hand for her. Article Yiyi just tells her to leave immediately. Lucky just lies on the bed and wonders about her thoughts.

We jump to He Yu in a bar trying to seduce girlfriend number 29. He spouts a soliloquy about how a man is like a book only women can understand, but the woman must choose a book that is the right level and experience. How many books can have bad endings? As he goes through the soliloquy, we see a montage of the various members of our love quadrangle. It is a moment of quite a heavy foreshadowing.

The next morning, Xia burst into the room quite suddenly, picks up Lucky, carries her to a closet, and stuffs her in. Then steps in himself. Understandably, she is trying to figure out what is happening. He covers her mouth and tells her to be quiet. In nervously licking her lips, she licks his hand. He is surprised, but just tells her to be quiet.

Only now does he seem to realize the awkwardness of their situation. Lucky’s injured foot is cramping up and they are trying to shift to get more comfortable, but to no avail. Suddenly, the doors are flung open by a cute little boy who exclaims, why are you hiding there! Around the corner comes Shen Qing, who quickly sends her son, Xiao Xi out of the room. She wastes no time making fun of Xia and Lucky.

Lucky recognizes Shen Qing as being Xia’s girlfriend from the lingerie store and immediately tries to clarify the situation. Shen Qing recognizes Lucky as being Chu Nan’s current girlfriend and Xia also tries to clarify. Shen Qing is not quite done and shuts down Lucky’s, Xia is faithful to you speech, with a, you don’t get to tell me how Xia treats me.

Lucky relates the prior day’s events, but Shen Qing shuts down her explanations again. This time she switches to expressing how Lucky is being unfaithful to Chu Nan which leaves Lucky confused. Xia steps in again, lecturing Shen Qing for her misplaced anger. He tells her to make breakfast for Xiao Xi and tells Lucky to change out of Shen Qing’s pajamas.

Lucky comes out to say goodbye, but Shen Qing tells her to come and eat breakfast. With everyone sitting down to eat, Shen Qing informs Xia that he needs to watch Xiao Xi today.  Lucky misunderstands the situation further and surmises Xiao Xi is Xia’s son.

Xiao Xi catches Lucky staring at him and interrogates her as to why and asks what her job is. Happily, Lucky draws Peppa Pig for him and he asks for another. She indulges him with several Peppa Pig drawings and even Shen Qing seems to be softening towards her.

Lucky thanks everyone for their hospitality and hobbles outside. Shen Qing asks why Xia is not giving her a ride. He fires back that she would not dare accept it given her perception of the situation. Xia follows up by asking why she is so hostile to Chu Nan’s girlfriend if she no longer cares about him. Xiao Xi chirps in that he likes Lucky and asks if she is Xia’s girlfriend.

Lucky is hobbling along when Shen Qing pulls up. She hardballs Lucky into accepting a ride and heads to a hospital. What follows is an almost cringe-worthy conversation where Shen Qing is vetting Lucky. She feels guilty that Chu Nan did not answer Lucky’s call while she was with him. She admires that Lucky does not blame him for not being there, but feels bad when Lucky mentions it was because he was resting. When Lucky says Chu Nan is her first boyfriend, Shen Qing is surprised. But she is not surprised that Chu Nan’s parents like Lucky and even gave her a family heirloom. Of course, Lucky is completely oblivious to Shen Qing’s past and that all of her words are stinging barbs.

Xia and Xiao Xi are playing video games and Xiao Xi asks why Lucky spent the night. Not getting the answer he wants, he goes on to say he prefers Uncle Chu Nan. Xia finds out that Chu Nan took Xiao Xi out for pizza the day before last. During their pizza date, Xiao Xi informs Chu Nan he and his mom might be moving in with Nina and her dad. Xiao Xi remarks to Xia that Uncle Chu seemed upset and must not like Nina. Xia replies that it is more likely he does not like Nina’s dad. I love Xia’s dynamic with his Xiao Xi. In character, he is brief, but forthright and respectful with his nephew.

The doctor tells Lucky that she has a soft tissue injury and it will take three days to heal. She does not want to take time off, but Shen Qing tells her that Chu Nan’s parents might not accept her if she is lame. Lucky is taken aback that Shen Qing knows Chu Nan’s name. Shen Qing explains it away as having heard it from Xia.

That night, Xiao Xi is asleep when Shen Qing comes back. Xia tells her to make him pizza more often. She promises to keep Chu Nan and Xiao Xi apart. He asks her if she can let go and she deflects.

Back at work, the employees get to vote for the company outing location. Yiyi inquires as to the events of the infamous night. In her distress from remembering her embarrassing rejection, she drops her head and bumps the cursor to another chat window. She types a message going off on Xia and his secret girlfriend… to the group chat. Xia responds that he also did not realize he was that type of person.

Lucky now realizes her mistake and hobbles into Xia’s office. She apologizes and he simply ignores the issue. She tries to make it up to him by filling his coffee, but her hobbling just makes a massive mess. He tells her it would be better to go home. She begs him to be magnanimous and pleads to not be fired. Xia finally tries to tell her the truth about his relationship with Shen Qing, but she interrupts saying it is none of her business. Amy comes in to tell him that he needs to head off to a meeting.

Lucky grabs Xia’s laptop, drink, and pens and hobbles after him. She fails to get to him before he gets into the elevator, so she decides to take the stairs. This does not seem like the safest decision. Meanwhile, Xia calls Lucky’s phone, but Yiyi picks up and tells Xia Lucky was chasing after him.

He is waiting for her when she comes out the lobby door. Xia asks what she is doing and then explains his meeting is taking place on the tennis court. Then he tells her to hop in or go home. She starts to pout, but then he clarifies he needs her to still update him by video chat. She is touched by his understanding. He tells her to send a picture of her ankle every day so she will not cheat him out of days off.

Her coworkers come down to the lobby with her things, distraught that she is being fired. She gleefully informs them she is going to be working from home. They praise Xia and tell Lucky to bring Chu Nan to the company retreat. Lucky argues it is not appropriate to bring him to an overnight event and in the process lets it slip that she stayed over at Xia’s house. She rushes to escape so she is not forced to slander Xia for a second time that day.

Back at home, Mom is quizzing Lucky on what happened the night before. She deflects and tells her she needs to work. Mom is ecstatic when Lucky says she will not be going into the office. But Lucky says she is not taking a vacation, simply working from home.

The next evening, Lucky is on a 3-hour video call with Xia concerning the project. She tries to get him to take a break, but he refuses to hang up until she has finished. She hears her mom welcome Chu Nan and pulls the headset awkwardly, knocking the phone down so that it is facing the wall. Her mom pops in the bedroom and tells Lucky to get dressed.

Lucky asks why he is there and Mom reveals she called him over to thank him for putting her up for the night. Mom says she asked Lucky in the afternoon, and Lucky okayed it. Lucky tells her she was probably responding to her boss during the conference call.

Chu Nan is all dressed up and has brought presents. Mom flatters him, but Dad simply ignores him. Chu Nan sees Lucky’s injury when she comes in. She brushes it off, and Dad flips out about how it is all Chu Nan’s fault. Mom shushes him and blames Lucky. Ever the gentleman, Chu Nan quickly takes the blame and apologizes to Dad and Mom. Dad is not yet mollified and probes as to how the accident happened. Chu Nan lies it was rock climbing. Mom praises him for getting her out and exercising. Dad is still angry, but eases up.

Waiting for Lucky to come back, Xia keeps the video call going and makes a bowl of noodles. Chu Nan and Lucky are back in her room. He sees one of her drawings and praises her ability. She asks him why he lied and he explains he felt she did not want to tell her parents since she had not already done so.

She finally tells him what happened that day and he is taken aback by the events. Xia has a flashback to the police station. Chu Nan apologizes for not driving her, but she states it was not his fault. Then she asks, Don’t you want to know where I stayed that night? And Xia’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.


Chu Nan still is driving me a little crazy, but I know it is just because Lucky is such a nice girl that I don’t want to see her get hurt. It is going to be painful when it all goes down. I find her attempt to balance her relationships, work, and personal interests refreshing. It is her first relationship, but she is not going in head over heels. She is taking things one step at a time and trying to maintain her independence.

I do wish Xia would be blunter at times, instead of letting misunderstandings run on. However, I imagine he lets them go because they are not really harming anyone, so far as he knows. Most of the misunderstandings would only harm him if anyone. All in all, I felt this episode progresses things nicely, but I really can’t wait for the Chu Nan arc to be over.


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