MaLa Drama

Recaps and Reviews of C drama/ T drama:

Who doesn’t love drama? Especially, someone else’s drama. Chinese (C-Drama) and Taiwanese dramas (T-Drama) are particularly binge-worthy because they tap into our voyeuristic side; we can’t help getting hooked on all the feels. And oh, the feels. Each episode can make us laugh and cry, wrinkle our noses in disgust, and plaster on a goofy grin. You know the one. We love every thrilling moment of the ride.

The greatest part of C-drama and T-drama is that they seldom limit themselves to a two-person story. Unlike many western romances, which often feature two people in a closed room, sometimes literally; these dramas integrate friend, family, and co-worker relationships into the story. Because, just like in real life, none of us live in a bubble. This is why they resonate with us so strongly and have the ability to grip us into feverish viewing sprees.

Yes, we are lured by the flirting and the kisses, but it is the relationships that keep us watching. We love the besties, the frenemies, the villains, and love/hate the families. They mirror our own lives and how we want to engage in our circles. Though conflicts in real life don’t always resolve the way they do in dramas, we enjoy cheering on our heroes and heroines as they navigate their world.

But alas, binging C-drama and T-drama can be difficult at times since they are generally over 20 hours long. Turning to recaps in the wee hours of the night can sometimes be the only way to get a good night’s sleep. So enjoy getting your fix, get some rest, and continue watching in the morning!